Thanks to everyone who came and took part in the sixth annual High Country Warrior Ride this year. It was a huge success and the Lord blessed us with the most beautiful weather we have ever had for this ride. The number of bikes in the ride were reported to be in excess of 110. We will have a final count in the days and weeks to come.

We are in the process of now working one photos and videos of the ride. It will take some time to get everything processed, so please be patient with us.

For now we have an online album you can visit by going to this link 2017photos.hcwr.org. If you wish to contribute to our online album with your own photos of the ride, you can go to this link to add them upload.hcwr.org. Please make sure that all photos shared are appropriate and only of this years ride.

If you wish to share your testimony or story about this year's ride you can do so by sending an email to testimony@hcwr.org

Thanks to everyone who came and took part. You have truly been a blessing to the High Country Warrior Ride and Operation Heal Our Patriots!
To see more photos click here: 2017photos.hcwr.org


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